High Plains Educational Cooperative
Board of Director’s Meeting
January 16, 2025
7:00 PM
611 Shelly Harris, Director
611 Marlene Dodge, Asst. Director
611 Kim Cruz, Asst. Director
611 Alexa Beltz, Asst. Director
611 Grace Hollingsworth, Clerk
611 Flor Galindo, Treasurer
214 Diana Nunez, BOD
209 Brian White, BOD
452 Val Zamudio, Alt. BOD
214 Corey Burton, Supt.
363 Scott Myers, Supt.
626 Kim Mauk, Guest
KASB Gary Sechrist, Guest
Via Zoom:
217 Kimberly Hull, BOD
216 Amanda Johnson, BOD
218 Crystal Fleming, BOD
371 Bobie Davis, BOD
374 Grant Webber, BOD
494 Jonna Upson, BOD
467 Bruce Loy, BOD
466 Deb Drohman, BOD
507 Karen Burrows, Supt.
1. Call to Order
Diana Nuñez, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM.
2. Approve Consent Agenda
Brian White moved to approve the consent agenda as presented in the packet. Val Zamudio seconded the motion. Motion carries 9 yes, 0 no.
3. Comments from the Public
There were none in writing.
Grant Webber joined the meeting at 7:02 P.M.
4. Committee Reports
a. RSC Report
Kim Mauk gave the report of upcoming trainings.
b. Superintendents’ Council
There was no report.
5. HPEC Director Search
Gary Sechrist shared information regarding the process for HPEC to hire a new director. He recommends we open a Director Search Characteristics survey to compile information on characteristics parents, principals, superintendents, and HPEC employees would most like to see in a new director. He will return in February to meet with selected focus groups and to review results from the survey.
Bobie Davis entered the meeting at 7:08 P.M.
On Gary’s third visit, scheduled for February 27th, he will provide the Board with a list of applicants and the Board will determine which applicants to call for interviews.
Scott Myers left the meeting at 7:30 P.M.
6. Contract Considerations/Resignations
Brian White moved to approve a contract between KASB and HPEC for the purpose of conducting a search for a new Director of HPEC. Val Zamudio seconded the motion. Motion carries 11 yes, 0 no.
Gary Sechrist left the meeting at 7:40 P.M.
Brian White moved to accept the resignation, with regrets and appreciation, of Debbie Reding, IR teacher at Wichita County Junior/Senior High School, effective at the end of the 2024-25 school year. Val Zamudio seconded the motion. Motion carries 11 yes, 0 no.
Brian White moved to offer a contract for the 2025-26 school to Mitchell Foote, Ulysses High School IR teacher, for the 2025-26 school year. Val Zamudio moved to second the motion. Motion carries 11 yes, 0 no.
7. Local Consolidated Special Education Funds
Shelly shared that the state approved new funds for Special Education last year and that this money was deposited to the Districts on January 15th of this year. This money was assessed as part of HPEC’s budget that the Board voted to approve in June. Statements for this assessment were mailed to the Districts on January 16th of this year.
8. Indicator 4: Disproportionality and Out of School Suspensions
Shelly shared that there were concerns in one of our districts last year that minority students were being placed in Out of School suspension at a higher rate than their peers and the district was placed on corrective action by KSDE. We have successfully met KSDE’s expectations to resolve those issues.
9. Staff
a. Director’s Evaluation
The Director’s evaluation will be sent out via email Feb. 3rd to all Superintendents and HPEC Board members. Please return any comments to Diana Nuñez, HPEC Board President, at dnunez@pioneerelectric.coop prior to Feb. 14th.
b. Assistant Director’s Evaluations
Shelly will send out Assistant Director’s evaluations via email to the Principals and Superintendents in the areas they supervise for HPEC. Input would be greatly appreciated. Please return any comments to the Director at sharris@hpec611.net prior to Feb. 14th.
c. Teacher Evaluations
Observations and evaluations for teacher’s years 1-4 and on cycle will be completed by February 15th. HPEC area Supervisors will be completing the evaluations with the input from the Principal of the building served by the teacher being evaluated.
10. Retention Incentive
Retention incentive checks were mailed to certified and classified staff Jan. 15th. Shelly shared we have gotten several phone calls and emails thanking the Board.
11. Negotiations
There will be a negotiations committee meeting Feb. 20th at 6:00 P.M. prior to the board meeting. The letter to the teachers will be sent by March 31st.
12. Staff Development Activities
Marlene shared that we have already had several staff development opportunities in the new year. January 9th HPEC employees were invited to a Mandt Recertification training to help paras and teachers know how to help students to de-escalate and to appropriately manage behaviors, and there was a Mandt Basic and Intermediate training January 14th and 15th. On January 13th, we had a LETRS training in the central office and on January 16th year 1 and 2 teachers were in for training and a mid year check in.
13. Director’s Report
a. Private School Proportional Share
The Private School Proportional Share report is due to the state by Feb. 2nd. Administrators have visited private schools located within the 17 districts to offer our services if needed.
b. MOE and Excess Cost
The Maintenance of Effort and Excess Cost is due January 31st and we are waiting on one district to complete their portion of this report before Shelly can submit this for HPEC.
14. Other
There was nothing to share.
15. Adjourn
Brian White moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:48 P.M. Val Zamudio seconded the motion. Motion carries 11 yes, 0 no.
President, Board of Director