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Application Procedure


In order to be considered for a teaching position, it is necessary to complete the application process.  Please provide the following documents to Director, High Plains Education Cooperative, 621 East Oklahoma, Ulysses, Kansas  67880.

  • HPEC Application
  • College Transcripts
  • Teaching Certificate
  • Recommendations
  • Current Resume

If you would like to complete the online application you will need to be signed into a google account so that you may upload the documents listed above.

To be considered for a teaching position, applicants must be able to fulfill Kansas teaching certificate requirements.  They must hold a BS or MS degree, have completed an approved program, completed teacher certification application, and maintained a minimum cumulative G. P. A. of 2.5 on 4.0 grade system.

Applicants for initial Kansas certification are required to pass the Pre-Professional Skills Test and the National Examination Professional Knowledge Test.