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Work Study Program

Work Experience Program

High Plains Educational Cooperative has put together a work experience program for students, ages 14-21 years of age, with current IEP's.  Building student’s self esteem and developing self-advocacy skills through challenging work experiences is a primary purpose of the work experience program. Gaining knowledge and understanding of the employer and community expectations will lead to good citizenship from students.

What is the process to begin work experience activities?

  • During the IEP meeting the team will address work experience as a goal/course for graduation/build skills to measure employability.  IEP team will take in to account the student’s interests and preferences of employment.  The IEP team will place the student in a safe environment for employment.
  • For all students less than 18 years old, work experience sites must follow Child Labor Law guidelines.

Why should my student do the work experience program?

  • The student will receive practice with applications, resumes, interviews as well as expectations of supervising adults.

What is the outcome of work experience?

  • Ideally, students will gain valuable skills and experience that will allow them to continue their employment with the work site after graduation as the work site employee.

Will work experience count as a class?

  • In high school, students will receive high school elective credit.
  • In middle school, students will receive an elective grade.

What should be used as documentation for work experience?

  • An important aspect of documentation of work experience is employer and student feedback. In some situations the student gets high marks but the employer wouldn't hire the student on their own. A job performance checklist can be developed from local district outcomes or from objectives the team develop for the student.

How will students be paid?

  • A timesheet will be used to clock work experience hours.  Students will submit timesheets on or before the 15th of every month and receive a check on or before the 27th of every month.

How will students get to work?

Work experience transportation is just like any other special education transportation; the district will provide transportation so it must be written into the IEP. Or the student may drive themselves to the work site with parent permission and a valid driver’s license.
Who do I call to get more information?

  • Your student’s interrelated teacher or HPEC Director at 620-356-5577


An Equal Employment/Educational Opportunity Agency The High Plains Educational Cooperative does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, disability, or age in admission or access to, or treatment or employment, its programs or activities.  Any questions regarding HPEC’s compliance with Title VI, Title IX, ADA, or Section 504 may be directed to the Coordinator, who is the Director of the Cooperative.  The Director can be reached at (620) 356-5577 or at 621 E Oklahoma, Ulysses, KS 67880.  The Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education is also available.

Application Time Sheet I-9
Parent Permission Job Performance Rating K-4
Agreement Child Labor Laws W-4