HPEC Central Office Resources
Call and hear a friendly voice!
Please ask for help if needed!
Grace Hollingsworth: Board Clerk/Administrative Assistant to Shelly Harris
Call: paraeducators, personnel report, paraeducator professional development, BOD committees, support person for ECSE, SLP, Region VII, Entry & questions for iReady, AimsWeb, IXL, Mathseeds, Reading Eggs, social media, advertising
Adriana Pando: Finance Clerk
Call: accounts payable, expense reports, support person for secondary and elementary interrelated, mentors, new teachers, classroom budget, requisitions, check status of ordered materials, registration/travel, tuition
Chrissie Mangels/Flor Galindo: Board Treasurer / Payroll Clerk / Workers' Comp / KPERS
Call: paycheck, fringe benefit information, employment paperwork, leave forms, paraeducator timesheets, workman’s compensation claims and KPERS questions
Tressa Anderson: MIS Data Clerk
Call: help with student paperwork, forms, and WebKIDSS forms, IEP Review, MIS state reports, support person for School Psychologists, Gifted
Cassie Teeter: MIS Data Clerk / Student Records / Medicaid
Call: questions concerning student paperwork & forms, student records and requests for records, Medicaid, WebKIDSS forms, IEP Review, support person for School Psychologists, Gifted and Mandt
Terra Neatherlin: MIS Data Clerk
Call: help with student paperwork, forms, and WebKIDSS forms, IEP Review, support person for School Psychologists, Gifted and Mandt
Ellen Underhill: Technology Facilitator / IMC
Call: computer/iPad questions, classroom inventories, WebKIDSS troubleshooting, HPEC webmaster, Media Center, assistive tech/motor library, Medicaid Cost Reporting
Administrative cell phone numbers and email:
Shelly Harris – 620-353-8911 cell; sharris@hpec611.net
Alexa Beltz – 620-952-3183 cell; abeltz@hpec611.net
Kim Cruz – 620-952 -9821 cell; kcruz@hpec611.net
Marlene Dodge – 620-952-9052 cell; mdodge@hpec611.net