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high plains behavior team



This is a great website for SIT teams and teachers. 
It offers interventions based on common behavior issues in school. 
This site also provides informaiotn on data collection and is divided into tiers of support.

sunflower and TASN

Kansas’ Technical Assistance System Network (TASN),

provides technical assistance to support school districts’ 

 systematic implementation of evidence-based practices.



Behavior Interventionist Team

The Behavior Intervention Team is a consulting group who serves schools that are members of the High Plains Educational Cooperative #611.  We help students learn skills that will enable them to be successful in school and life.  We do this by providing training, resources, and support to teachers, administrators, and families. We use evidence-based practices and data collection techniques to ensure students are making progress towards their individual goals.

All students need a positive and safe environment to learn and grow!


The Behavior Intervention Team provides staff trainings in several areas of behavior including: school culture, positive behavior supports, de-escalation, trauma, etc.  We know school districts have limited time for professional development.  The Behavior Intervention Team will partner with schools to develop a training or series of trainings that fit each district’s needs.  We will also provide onsite and ongoing support as needed to ensure the development of those professional skills.  Please contact Shelly Harris to set up an initial planning meeting for your school district.

  • The Mandt System: This is a comprehensive, integrated approach to preventing, de-escalating, and if necessary, intervening when the behavior of an individual poses a threat of harm to themselves and/or others. The focus fo the Mandt System is on building healthy relationships between all the stakeholders in human service settings in order to facilitate the development of an organizational culture that provides the emotional, psychological, and physical safety needed in order to teach new behaviors to replace the behaviors that are labeled “challenging.” (All school staff)
  • De-Escalation - Beyond Mandt: This training focuses on specific skills related to de-escalation and co-regulation.  Many students are still learning how to manage their own emotions and behavior.  School staff members need to know how to respond to students when they are escalated or in a crisis situation.  Resources will be shared to support school staff with ongoing evaluation and development of these skills.  (All School staff)
  • Universal Screeners: – This training will explore the benefits of utilizing a district wide behavioral screener.  We will look at the different screeners available, what needs to be considered before implementing the screener, and how the information gathered can be used to plan for school or district wide needs. (Teachers and Administrators)
  • CHAMPS: This training is designed for teachers to create a positive learning environment in their classrooms.  CHAMPS uses evidence-based practices to teach and reinforce behavioral expectations and reduce classroom disruptions.  CHAMPS is a tier one training, but provides steps to follow if students need more tier 2 or 3 supports.  The CHAMPS philosophy and structure can also be adapted to a school-wide tier 1 support system.  (Teachers and Administrators)
  • Trauma Informed: Students affected by trauma are a major concern in schools today.  This training is designed to help school staff members understand the effects of trauma and how to work with students who have experienced it.  This training is an introduction to Trauma informed supports.  Other trainings and support may be requested to develop a school culture that is trauma informed.  (All School Staff)
  • Alternatives to Suspension: Student behavior has become a major concern in schools today.  Administrators are being asked to provide a safe environment for all students while working with students that have extreme social and emotional needs.  Traditionally, administrators are only left with suspension as a consequence for certain inappropriate or unsafe behavior.  Unfortunately, suspension also leads to excluding students from positive relationships that are vital for all students but especially for those with extreme social/emotional needs.  This training will look at possible alternative to suspension that provide the safety needed for all students and staff without secluding students that need the most support through positive relationships.
  • Zones of Regulation: This training will explore the easy to use social/emotional learning curriculum “Zones of Regulation.”  This curriculum provides lesson plans for teaching students to self-regulate and strategies or tools to help them de-escalate.  Zones of Regulation also offers a shared vocabulary for social/emotional learning terms.  We will explore the foundations of this curriculum, share examples for adapting the curriculum, and possible ways of incorporating these lessons throughout the school year.