The following payroll forms will need to be completed prior to beginning employment. Please call our payroll department at 620-356-5577 if you have questions with any of these forms.
W-4 & K-4 – Complete steps 1 through 7 include your signature and the date. Keep the top part for your records. Complete for Federal & State withholding taxes.
I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification – Complete at the HPEC Central office or with your HPEC supervising teacher. This must be completed BEFORE the first day of employment. Please return only pages 7 & 8. Section 2 must be filled in by the supervisor. Supervisors, you must physically see the two forms of ID or a passport. Fill in the appropriate information and sign your name on the form. (We cannot accept photocopies of IDs for the I-9.)
Oath – Sign and notarized
Payment of wages may not be authorized without the above documents being present at HPEC Central Office. A timesheet cannot be started without these documents in central office and processed.
Direct Deposit – To enroll for direct deposit attach a deposit slip or voided check, sign and date the form. With direct deposit you should have access to your paycheck on the scheduled date of pay. Paychecks or pay stubs will be mailed to the address on the W-4. We highly encourage you to use direct deposit. Contact the payroll department for this form.
Certification of Health – Complete both sections. Needs to be completed within 30 days of employment.
Race/Ethnicity Form – Required for Federal Reporting
Transcripts – Transcripts of college credit must be in the office within 30 days of employment for horizontal movement on the salary scale.
Employees must work 630+ hours per year to qualify for the following:
KPERS Beneficiary – Complete this form to designate one or more beneficiaries. Your signature must be witnessed when signing this form. Additional forms are available upon request.
Section 125 – You will be eligible for Section 125 through American Fidelity after 90 days of employment. American Fidelity will contact you at your school.
Insurance Benefit – information is available on our website. – Full time (30+ hours a week), paraeducators are eligible to participate in our group health insurance. Information and forms will be sent to you. An area supervisor will stop by to explain the health insurance option and answer questions. You have the choice of participating or signing the waiver stating you do not wish to participate.
403(b) Plan – Information on Retirement savings plan offered by American Fidelity
Updated 5/3/18