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Staff Development

Staff Development


High Plains Educational Cooperative supports a Tiered Paraeducator Inservice plan.  Paraeducators who have worked as a Kansas special education para less than 3 years (within the past 3 years) are to complete 20 hours of inservice if employed for 9 months during the school year. Paraeducators who have worked as a Kansas special education para for more than 3 years (including the past 3 years) must complete 10 hours in inservice if employed for 9 months during  the school year.
Download Staff Development Plan   MS Word      PDF  (New form FY24)
 These hours may be obtained by attending a combination of the following within the year employed:
  • High Plains Educational Cooperative sponsored staff development
  • Any appropriate workshops, college course, or approved plan by the Director.
  • Local Staff Development opportunities.
  • Appropriate staff development offered by other agencies or meetings with their staff (i.e., CPR, First Aid, Area Mental Health, SRS, adult/preschool agencies, Professional Development Council, Extension Council, approved audio & video tape programs related to the paraeducator assignment).
  • Planned staff development activities by a team member about a topic, not a student, are considered staff development. Common examples are staff development about lifting, language during play, and sensory integration.  There should be an agenda.
  • Utilization of the Kansas Infinitec website. You may access this site at myinfinitec. You must have an email account to register.  Steps for registering are listed on the Infinitec website under How to Create an Account (Kansas). Please be advised that HPEC cannot access your account, therefore you will need to keep track of your username and password.  Once registered at the website, you may gain inservice points by using the online classroom section of the site. Be aware that not all of the online classroom offerings provide inservice points. Once you have completed the quiz, you can click on the button “Review Quiz Results” to view and print the results of quizzes taken. Then click on the Certificate of Participation link to print specific certificates.  Please send a copy of the certificate(s) with your inservice plan. List of required & recommended Infinitec classes


  • High Plains Educational Cooperative supports a Tiered Paraeducator Inservice plan.  Paraeducators who have worked as a Kansas special education para less than 3 years (within the past 3 years) are to complete 20 hours of inservice if employed for 9 months during the school year. Paraeducators who have worked as a Kansas special education para for more than 3 years (including the past 3 years) must complete 10 hours in inservice if employed for 9 months during  the school year.

     These hours may be obtained by attending a combination of the following within the year employed:
  • High Plains Educational Cooperative sponsored staff development
  • Any appropriate workshops, college course, or approved plan by the Director.
  • Local Staff Development opportunities.
  • Appropriate staff development offered by other agencies or meetings with their staff (i.e., CPR, First Aid, Area Mental Health, SRS, adult/preschool agencies, Professional Development Council, Extension Council, approved audio & video tape programs related to the paraeducator assignment).
  • Planned staff development activities by a team member about a topic, not a student, are considered staff development. Common examples are staff development about lifting, language during play, and sensory integration.  There should be an agenda.
  • Utilization of the Kansas Infinitec website. You may access this site at myinfinitec You must have an email account to register.  Steps for registering are listed on the Infinitec website under How to Create an Account (Kansas). Please be advised that HPEC cannot access your account, therefore you will need to keep track of your username and password.  Once registered at the website, you may gain inservice points by using the online classroom section of the site. Be aware that not all of the online classroom offerings provide inservice points. Once you have completed the quiz, you can click on the button “Review Quiz Results” to view and print the results of quizzes taken. Then click on the Certificate of Participation link to print specific certificates.  Please send a copy of the certificate(s) with your inservice plan. List of required & recommended Infinitec classes