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High Plains Educational Cooperative

Board of Director’s Special Meeting

March 3, 2025

7:00 PM




Grace Hollingsworth



Bruce Loy



Val Zamudio

Alt. BOD


Kimberly Hull



Brian White



Diana Nuñez



Liz Weeks












Via Zoom






Crystal Fleming



Jonna Upson









Via Phone






Lupe Acosta







1.      Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance

Diana Nuñez, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM.


2.      Approve Agenda

Bruce Loy moved to approve the agenda as presented.  Val Zamudio seconded this.  Motion carries 9 yes, 0 no.


3.      Director’s Search

Liz Weeks moved to offer a contract to Alexa Beltz for the Director’s position for the 2025-26 school year.  Val Zamudio seconded the motion.  Motion carries 9 yes, 0 no.


4.      Adjourn

Brian White moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:03 P.M.  Bruce Loy seconded the motion. Motion carries 9 yes, 0 no




HPEC Board President

High Plains Educational Cooperative

Board of Director’s Special Meeting

March 3, 2025

5:30 PM




Grace Hollingsworth



Bruce Loy



Val Zamudio

Alt. BOD


Kimberly Hull



Brian White



Kim Cruz

Asst Director


Liz Weeks



Diana Nuñez



Alexa Beltz



Justin Beltz




1.      Call to Order

Diana Nuñez, Board President, called the meeting to order at 5:37 PM.


2.      Director’s Candidate Interview                  EXECUTIVE SESSION

Val Zamudio moved to go into executive session for one hour at 5:38 P.M. for the purpose of interviewing Alexa Beltz for the position of Director for the 2025-26 school year.  This session is to include members of the interview sub-committee of the board, Alexa Beltz and her guest Justin Beltz.  Kim Cruz is requested to join the board at the conclusion of Alexa’s interview.  Brian White seconded this motion.  Motion carries 6 yes, 0 no.


Justin Beltz left the meeting at 5:56 P.M.


Alexa Beltz left the meeting at 6:25 P.M.


Kim Cruz entered the meeting at 6:25 P.M.


Kim Cruz left the meeting at 6:35 P.M.


3.      Adjourn

Val Zamudio moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:40 P.M.  Liz Weeks seconded the motion. Motion carries 6 yes, 0 no




HPEC Board President

High Plains Educational Cooperative

Board of Director’s Special Meeting

February 27, 2025

7:00 PM




Grace Hollingsworth



Bruce Loy



Val Zamudio

Alt. BOD


Kimberly Hull



Brian White



Gary Sechrist



Liz Weeks



Diana Nuñez









Via Zoom






Crystal Fleming



Deb Drohman



Jonna Upson







1.      Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance

Diana Nuñez, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.


2.      Approve Agenda

Brian White moved to approve the agenda as presented.  Kimberly Hull seconded the motion.  Motion carries 9 yes, 0 no.


3.      HPEC Interview Sub-Committee

Val Zamudio moved to approve an HPEC sub-committee of board members to represent the entire board.  Liz Weeks seconded the motion.  Motion carries 9 yes, 0 no.  The committee is to include the following:  Bruce Loy, USD 467; Val Zamudio, USD 452; Kimberly Hull, USD 217; Brian White, USD 209; Liz Weeks, USD 507; and Diana Nuñez, USD 214.


4.      Director’s Search                   EXECUTIVE SESSION

Diana Nuñez moved to go in to Executive session to discuss non-elected personnel, and that the board returns to open session at 7:47 P.M. This session is to include members of the board and KASB consultant, and at the thirty minute mark the clerk of the board.  Brian White seconded the motion.  Motion carries 9 yes, 0 no.


Gary Sechrist left the meeting at 7:37 P.M.


15.   Adjourn

Val Zamudio moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:47 P.M.  Kimberly Hull seconded the motion. Motion carries 9 yes, 0 no




HPEC Board President



High Plains Educational Cooperative

Board of Director’s Meeting

February 20, 2025

7:00 PM



611  Shelly Harris, Director

611  Marlene Dodge, Asst. Director

611  Kim Cruz, Asst. Director

611  Grace Hollingsworth, Clerk

611  Flor Galindo, Treasurer

214 Diana Nunez, BOD

209 Brian White, BOD

507 Liz Weeks, BOD

452  Val Zamudio, Alt. BOD

214  Corey Burton, Supt.

218  Charles Anglin, Supt.

371/476  Jay Zehr, Supt.

626   Kim Mauk, Guest

KASB   Gary Sechrist, Guest

Via Zoom:

217  Kimberly Hull, BOD

216  Amanda Johnson, BOD

218  Crystal Fleming, BOD

371  Bobie Davis, BOD

466  Deb Drohman, BOD

476  James Loepky, BOD

507  Karen Burrows, Supt.

215  Clifford Williams, Supt.

217  Dettra Crawford, Supt.

216  Crystal Steinmetz, Supt.

1.      Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance

Diana Nuñez, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.


2.      Approve Consent Agenda

Brian White moved to approve the consent agenda as presented in the board packet.  Liz Weeks seconded the motion. Motion carries 9 yes, 0 no.


3.      Comments from the Public

There were none.


Kimberly Hull entered the meeting at 7:02 P.M.


4.      Committee Reports

         a.      RSC Report

         Kim Mauk gave the report of upcoming trainings.

         b.      Council of Superintendents

         Corey Burton shared that the council of Superintendents met on February 5th.  They will meet again on March 3rd in Sublette.


5.      Southwest Plains Regional Service Center Board Member

Liz Weeks moved to approve Ruthie Vaughn from USD 374 as a new board member for SWPRSC.  Brian White seconded the motion.  Motion carries 10 yes, 0 no.


6.      KASB Report on Director Search

Gary Sechrist shared results of recent focus groups and surveys regarding characteristics that stakeholders of HPEC would value in candidates for the open Director position.  Handouts were provided and information was also emailed to board members attending via Zoom. 


Crystal Fleming left the meeting at 7:27 P.M.


Gary provided salary comparisons of superintendents of comparable districts within the state of Kansas with that of the current HPEC Director.  He then provided a comparison of superintendents within HPEC’s districts with that of the current HPEC director.  Handouts were provided and information was also emailed to board members attending via Zoom.


Crystal Fleming joined the meeting at 7:31 P.M.


The board is in agreement to allow three representative superintendents and one HPEC assistant director to serve in an advisory capacity to the board in regards to the candidates for Director.  These individuals would be advisory only and would not be allowed to attend the interviews. 


Karen Burrows entered the meeting at 7:50 P.M.


On February 27th, the board will call a special meeting for Gary to discuss and recommend applicants for the open Director position.  The board will decide that night which applicants to consider for interviews.  Interviews will be held the week of March 3rd.


Gary Sechrist left the meeting at 7:54 P.M.


7.      Reviewing Decision for Assessment of Virtual Students

In May of 2024, the board decided to count students of Elkhart’s virtual school, KCA, at .5 FTE toward district assessment with the provision that this would be reviewed in one year’s time.

Elkhart’s Superintendent shared a proposed contract as an alternate to our current practice.  The board will consider action at the March meeting.


Kim Mauk left the meeting at 8:17 P.M.

Charles Anglin left the meeting at 8:17 P.M.


8.      Contracts and Resignations

Brian White moved to accept the resignations, with appreciation, of Evangeline Hollingsworth, IR teacher at Copeland; Taylor Wright, IR teacher at Montezuma; and Deanna Tackett, speech pathologist, at the end of the 2024-25 school year.

Val Zamudio moved to approve the contract of Mattison Adams, Interim IR teacher at Deerfield Junior/Senior High school, for the remainder of the 2024-25 school year.  Liz Weeks seconded the motion.  Motion carries 10 yes, 0 no.


9.      Request for Paid Unused Sick Time

Shelly shared that an HPEC employee is retiring this spring and has requested the board approve payment for unused sick time.  The board would like for the administrative team to come up with a proposal to vote on at the March meeting.


10.   Director’s Evaluation                        EXECUTIVE SESSION

Diana Nuñez moved to go into executive session for the purpose of discussing the evaluation of the Director and that the board return to the open meeting at 8:33 PM in this room.  The executive session is to include board members and Superintendents.  Brian White seconded the motion. Motion carries 10 yes, 0 no.


11.   Assistant Directors’ Evaluations    EXECUTIVE SESSION

Diana Nuñez moved to go into executive session for the purpose of discussing the evaluations of the Assistant Directors’ and that the board return to the open meeting at 8:36 PM in this room. The executive session is to include the Director, board members and Superintendents.  Val Zamudio seconded the motion.  Motion carries 10 yes, 0 no.


Val Zamudio moved to extend the Assistant Directors contracts another year.  Brian White seconded the motion.  Motion carries 10 yes, 0 no.


12.   Staff Development                                                    

Shelly shared that elementary, secondary, speech, and gifted trainings were held at the central office the past month.


13.   Negotiations

Shelly shared they have decided on 2 items that will be in the negotiation letter to be sent out the end of March.  Liz Weeks, Val Zamudio, and Diana Nuñez will represent HPEC in negotiations with the teachers.


14.   Other

There was nothing to share.


15.   Adjourn

Val Zamudio moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:41 P.M. Liz Weeks seconded the motion. Motion carries 10 yes, 0 no.




President, Board of Director


The March board meeting will be March 27th due to Spring Break